The video site. Click on the cameras on the left

Sailing in Julsø in wind speed 10m/sek. August 2017 (96,9 MB).

A short “clip” from a concert in Nagymaros Pest close to Budapest. July 2017 (116 MB).

Explosion of an Aerosol spray at Aarhus University. April 2017 (64,9 MB)

Launch a “Sky Candle Lantern” in Svejbæk. November 2015 (7,90MB)

Sailing in the spring 2014. The video clip is recorded by a drone at Birk Sø, Ry. Our boat is a Drabant 22, made in Denmark. The video file size is 48,3 MB.  You can watch all the video at:

Killing native chickens (16,6 MB)

Dolphin Watching; Puerto Princeca (6,1 MB)

Dolphin Watching; Puerto Princeca (5,1 MB)

Parade in Sto. Nino, San Vicente (47,6 MB)

Cock fighting in Sto. Nino, San Vicente Palawan., Philippines (5,23 MB)

Cenote Chac Mool, Mexico. Cave diving (114,0 MB)