Sailing in Julsø in wind speed 10m/sek. August 2017 (96,9 MB).
A short “clip” from a concert in Nagymaros Pest close to Budapest. July 2017 (116 MB).
Explosion of an Aerosol spray at Aarhus University. April 2017 (64,9 MB)
Launch a “Sky Candle Lantern” in Svejbæk. November 2015 (7,90MB)
Sailing in the spring 2014. The video clip is recorded by a drone at Birk Sø, Ry. Our boat is a Drabant 22, made in Denmark. The video file size is 48,3 MB. You can watch all the video at:
Killing native chickens (16,6 MB)
Dolphin Watching; Puerto Princeca (6,1 MB)
Dolphin Watching; Puerto Princeca (5,1 MB)
Parade in Sto. Nino, San Vicente (47,6 MB)
Cock fighting in Sto. Nino, San Vicente Palawan., Philippines (5,23 MB)